About Liquip
Leading the Way in Fluid Handling Solutions Worldwide

Liquip is a dynamic and robust company committed to continued growth as a leader in quality products and solutions for specialist fluid transfer applications.
Liquip has built its reputation for excellence over 56 years supplying equipment for the bulk liquid handling and storage industry. In markets across the globe, Liquip is renowned for its comprehensive product range with exceptional whole of life value.
The company recognises that its core strategic asset is its ability to innovate and rapidly develop new solutions within a changing world. Our investment in research and development, our rapid response to customer requirements clearly differentiates our product solutions.
Liquip is vigorously pursuing electromatics and telematics to meet industry and customer demands for quicker information response times, load security, legislative alignment, and reduced operating costs.
To maximize our investment, Liquip is partnering with other key technology companies to deliver seamless solutions across the world. Liquip has built solid partnerships in more than 30 countries worldwide. This distribution network brings local knowledge, expertise and dedicated service to the most remote of markets.
Building great teams who then build great products and services is a cornerstone of Liquip’s future. Key appointments will continue to strengthen Liquip. We will also continue to strengthen our presence through strategic acquisition and the establishment of Liquip businesses across Asia and North America.
148 Newton Road, Wetherill Park, Sydney NSW Australia 2164
Tel: +61 2 9725 9000 | Email: orders@liquip.com